The riddle states that Macbeth shall never be overthrown until the Great Birnam wood moves to Dunsinane hill and closes in on Macbeth's ground creating pressure and closure around the castle. Since it is impossible to move a forest form one place to another, I believe the only way for this to be possible is if Macduff's army disguises themselves as the forest with their weapons in hand and trick Macbeth into believing that the forest has actually moved, so that he has a sense of being trapped. When the army is close enough they can surprise attack and succeed at capturing Macbeth. I think this is the only possible answer as I don't see how Macduff's army would be able to move a forest from one place to another such a long ways and not be seen (blow their cover) by Macbeth.
Macbeth Act 1 Analysis
Monday, June 3, 2013
Riddle #2: "Be bloody, bold, and resolute; laugh to scorn The power of man, for none of woman born Shall harm Macbeth.” (IV.i.79-81)
Riddle #1: "Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! beware Macduff; Beware the thane of Fife. Dismiss me. Enough."(IV.i.71-72)
I don't believe that this quotation is really classified as a riddle as it implies the truth, that Macbeth should beware of Macduff who will battle against him, killing Macbeth. The quotation clearly states that Macbeth is to be aware of Macduff and the harm that he will bring to him. From my comprehension of the play, Macduff set off to England where he will join forces with King Edward's army with Malcolm, to gain a strong forceful army that will invade and close in on Macbeth. The purpose of Macduff going after Macbeth is to remove him from the throne and bring back all truth and loyalty to Scotland. Macduff and Malcolm wish to seek revenge for the good King Duncan, Banquo and all of Scotland to end the reign of the fake and disloyal Macbeth. Macbeth should take warning from the witches who have said this riddle and be as prepared as possible to protect himself- although he does not have many more supporters that can back him up. Macbeth does not deserve to live as he has tricked and killed so many of the important people that once looked at him as a heroic and brave figure. He deserves the same as he has done to all that he has plotted against.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Twitter Act 2 - Macbeth's side
I have just experienced using Twitter for the first time! Thanks to the Macbeth Assignment #2 I was able to create a fake account in the name of the character Macbeth and tweet on his behalf of scenes/events that occurred in Act 2. I enjoyed playing around with twitter with this fake account as I believe I was able to get a good sense and understanding of how twitter works. I like how the media site is connected in the use of hashtags, it makes thing more organized as well as the way you can tag people like Facebook with the use of the @ sign. I think its really neat how a tweet may only consist of 140 characters and that you can basically tweet about anything. I was trying to go into detail but I ran out of room because of the character limit, this forced me to think more general and I was able to tweet major events with little explanation which was pretty cool. I was able to explore twitter outside of the assignment as well and learned that you can follow anyone in the world including the most famous celebrities, hollywood stars, athletes, businesses and more. I couldn't believe that I was actually reading tweets from the real Miley Cyrus or Ryan Gosling, now I can keep up with what the world is up to and follow the daily events of my favourite stars! I think that after playing around with twitter with this fake account I don't find this form of social media so intimidating and I might create a real account of my own. I think twitter is a great way to inform the world of what you are doing but I believe that everyone who uses this site must be careful what they put out on the internet just like any other social media website, as anything you post is out there for everyone to see and is almost impossible to take back once posted. Definatley a really cool assignment. Here is the link to my Macbeth Twitter account: Macbeth Twitter Account
Macbeth Character Profile Act 1...
Macbeth is a young nobleman serving for King Duncan who is a very talented general and tactician in battle. He has won many battles and is known to all as “brave Macbeth” as they believe he deserves this name due to his loyalty to the crown. He is a determined courageous man who will not let anything get in his way from completing his tasks. The quote, “ Till he faced the slave; Which ne’er shook hands, nor bade farewell to him, Till he unseamed him from the nave to th’ chops, and fixed his head upon our battlements.” (1.2. 21-25) is told by a captain of King Duncan’s army to report his sights on the battle and how brave Macbeth stood on the battlefield as winning such a battle seemed so doubtful. I saw Macbeth as a humble man in the beginning of Act 1 as he tried to tell the witches and those that called him thane of Cawdor that the thane lives and they should not call him that. He did not immediately agree to take on the crown of thane of Cawdor as he claimed, “ The service and loyalty I owe in doing pays itself” (1.4. 25) showing that he does not require a reward for his services as he feels that his victories pay itself just by doing them in the Kings honor. However, once Macbeth is given the title thane of Cawdor he becomes convinced to further pursue becoming the King of Scotland as the witches predicted. His mentality turns evil and selfish as he plans to murder the King and Prince of Cumberland to achieve the crown. Overall I truly believe that Macbeth is a goodhearted man, its the influence of others words and evil persuasion that lead him into a cruel identity that he cannot unwind as time and evil events persist in the novel. Macbeth teaches readers like you and I to understand that we must remember who we are and be smart enough to know the consequences of letting something said or someone consume our minds and stop us from being the individuals we truly are.

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