Macbeth is a young nobleman serving for King Duncan who is a very talented general and tactician in battle. He has won many battles and is known to all as “brave Macbeth” as they believe he deserves this name due to his loyalty to the crown. He is a determined courageous man who will not let anything get in his way from completing his tasks. The quote, “ Till he faced the slave; Which ne’er shook hands, nor bade farewell to him, Till he unseamed him from the nave to th’ chops, and fixed his head upon our battlements.” (1.2. 21-25) is told by a captain of King Duncan’s army to report his sights on the battle and how brave Macbeth stood on the battlefield as winning such a battle seemed so doubtful. I saw Macbeth as a humble man in the beginning of Act 1 as he tried to tell the witches and those that called him thane of Cawdor that the thane lives and they should not call him that. He did not immediately agree to take on the crown of thane of Cawdor as he claimed, “ The service and loyalty I owe in doing pays itself” (1.4. 25) showing that he does not require a reward for his services as he feels that his victories pay itself just by doing them in the Kings honor. However, once Macbeth is given the title thane of Cawdor he becomes convinced to further pursue becoming the King of Scotland as the witches predicted. His mentality turns evil and selfish as he plans to murder the King and Prince of Cumberland to achieve the crown. Overall I truly believe that Macbeth is a goodhearted man, its the influence of others words and evil persuasion that lead him into a cruel identity that he cannot unwind as time and evil events persist in the novel. Macbeth teaches readers like you and I to understand that we must remember who we are and be smart enough to know the consequences of letting something said or someone consume our minds and stop us from being the individuals we truly are.

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