I strongly believe that the witches play a vital role in the development of Shakespeare's Macbeth because they are the main trigger for Macbeth's actions to plan for King Duncan’s murder. They change Macbeth’s identity and they foreshadow a series of important events that bring the play together. The three weird sisters present Macbeth with the challenge to fulfill each prediction because he see's that they speak the truth when Macbeth becomes King of Cawdor. Macbeth wants to achieve the prosperous future that the witches speak of and he allows this to become his destiny. Macbeth is influenced by the witches and he turns into a murderer rather than a loyal nobleman, this determines his fate in the end as he lets evil override his goodness because of his need to achieve the pre-determined destiny told by the witches.

I don’t believe that we are all subject to a personal pre-determined destiny. Humans are in control of what they want life to be for themselves most of the time, except for cases like slavery and communist countries where you don't have the freedom of choice. People pay money to see card readers/palm readers to determine there futures and find out what lays ahead of them in life and these people, like Macbeth, take their predictions to heart and let it consume their minds making them either fear whats is ahead and stop them from living or encourage them to fulfill exactly what they are told in order to gain success bypassing other life events just to achieve one ultimate goal. We all have the power to turn a corner or take a different path in our lives, we are never assigned to one specific path of life. You control your life with your mind, emotions and actions, it’s determining the right turn or path that you can benefit from and will make you happy at the end of it all.
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